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Niceville & Val-P’s Boat Parade
If you missed out on the Destin Boat Parade, just hop over to the other side of the Bay this Friday, December 20th for Niceville and Val-p’s parade, co-hosted by Emerald Coast marine and the Niceville/Val-p Rotary Group. It’s the first year for this new tradition and the event will benefit local non-profit, A Bed 4 Me. If you want to deck out your boat and participate in the parade, it’s a $30 entry fee. The parade starts at 6 pm and is free and open to the public. For more info find the Niceville-Valparaiso Christmas Boat Parade event on Facebook.
Tacky Sweater Party at Local Catch
Probably one of THE BIGGEST Christmas parties in Santa Rosa Beach is Local Catch’s Tacky Sweater Party and it’s happening this Saturday, December 21st at 8 pm. They’ll have live music featuring local favorite Forrest Williams Band and of course, cold drinks and delicious eats. Get your tacky sweater and get to the party. Click here for more details.
Snow Day at Emerald Coast Science Center
If the kids are getting stir crazy waiting on Santa, the Emerald Coast Science Center has a fun Snow Day planned for you on Monday December 23 from noon to 3pm. There will be tons of snow-themed activities. Between making snow slime, participating in snowball fights, and crafting glitter snowflake or snowman ornaments. The cost to participate is $10 adults/$8 seniors & kids and kids 2 and under FREE. They also offer a Military discount. Check out Snow Day on Facebook for more info.