Brigadier General Pete Zalewski, Chaplain of the Air National Guard, will be the featured speaker at Crestview’s annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, April 17.
- The event will take place at the Crestview Community Center, with doors opening at 7:00 a.m. and the program beginning at 7:30 a.m.
Mayor JB Whitten will open the breakfast with a welcome address. The event is free to all attendees and sponsored by All-In Credit Union and Rocky Bayou Christian School.
Zalewski was promoted to Brigadier General in December 2023 at the Florida National Guard Headquarters in St. Augustine. He is currently the only priest holding the rank of general in the Air National Guard.
- In addition to his pastoral duties in the diocese, Zalewski serves as the Director of the Office of the Joint Chaplain for the National Guard Bureau in Washington, providing support to members of both the Air Force and Army National Guard.
Registration for the breakfast is required by Monday, April 14. Attendees can confirm their participation by visiting or by calling the mayor’s assistant, Dominique Vaughn, at (850) 682-3812.