The Brooks Bridge Replacement Project in Fort Walton Beach is continuing to move forward, with the Florida Department of Transportation announcing new updates on Friday, February 17, 2023.
- These updates pertain to the Brooks Bridge Waterfront Park, which is located directly under Brooks Bridge along with various closures throughout the week.

Starting the week of Sunday, February 19, the Brooks Bridge Waterfront Park will be closed for the duration of the Brooks Bridge Replacement construction project.
- The park is located directly under Brooks Bridge and includes shoreline restoration/stabilization, previous improvements to the existing Alconese Avenue pier, along with other amenities.
Earlier this week, crew members were at the park removing signage that was previously in place. With the closure, access to the parking under the bridge and the park amenities will no longer be accessible.

Other updates
Drivers should also be aware of intermittent U.S. 98 east and westbound lane closures, between Perry Avenue and the Brooks Bridge approach, from Monday, Feb. 20 through Thursday, Feb. 23, from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. These closures are required to place low-profile barrier wall in the U.S. 98 median.
In addition to the U.S. 98 lane closures, drivers may experience other traffic impacts from Sunday, Feb. 19 through Thursday, Feb. 23, from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. as crews perform utility work.
- U.S. 98 east and westbound alternating and intermittent lane closures between Perry Avenue and Pier Road.
- Santa Rosa Boulevard east and westbound alternating lane closures from east of Amberjack Drive to Ross Marler Park.
- Intermittent shoulder closures on Brooks Street, between Perry Avenue and Florida Blanca Place, and on Business Access Road.

4 Responses
THANK YOU FOR YOUR NEWS absolutely perfect !!!! I receive it in my email inbox. Keep it up.
Progress, wow, I hope the new bridge is less of an elevation by half? Also less bottlenecks. Hurrah for the state of Florida. All of the east Gulf will be noticed more than ever now. I’ve lived here since 1978, retired here in 1989 from the United States Air Force ,joined in 1969, up up and away. God Bless All.
I really enjoyed finding a site that carries all the local news! It’s good to know what’s going on in your community, and this site fits the bill perfectly! Also, a shout out to Don, the Air Force retiree who joined in 1969. I also joined the Air Force in 1979 and retired here at Eglin in 2002, after the Air Force in their infinite wisdom carried me around the world twice and dropped me off here! Have a great day to all you military retirees out there!