The public is invited to attend the City of Destin’s Open House on Wednesday, October 25th from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Destin Community Center.
“This year’s theme is ‘Music to Our Ears’, and we’ll have a local band to add a little flair to an already great annual event,” said Tamara Young, Public Information Director. “Jones and Company will share their talent, and the event gives City departments and important partners a chance to engage with the community on what we do.”
Nonprofit organizations interested in having an informational table at the event should call City Hall for specifics. Lunch will be provided by Chef Jim Shirah.
The City will also host a free Community Shred Day as part of the Open House. Residents and businesses can bring old documents to be securely shredded on site from 11 a.m. 1 p.m. at the Community Center or from 9a.m. – 11 a.m. at Destin City Hall.

To allow for maximum public participation within the timeframe, only reasonable amounts of materials will be accepted. Parking fees at the Community Center will be waived during the event.