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Crestview Council moves toward complete smoking ban in city parks

City officials cited children's health, park cleanliness and turf protection as primary concerns during Monday's meeting discussion.
City of Crestview

The Crestview City Council reached a consensus Monday to pursue a complete smoking ban in all city parks, expanding current restrictions that only apply to certain areas of Twin Hills Park.

  • During the Feb. 24 meeting, council members unanimously supported drafting an ordinance that would prohibit smoking and vapor-generating devices in all city-owned parks, with the state-mandated exception for unfiltered cigars.

“I personally am for as restricted as we can make it,” said Councilwoman Dusty Allison. “It’s a health issue, and it’s also an issue for the cleanliness of our parks because cigarette butts get dropped on the ground.”

City Manager Tim Bolduc explained that Florida statute has been amended to allow municipalities to prohibit smoking within parks, except for cigars. Crestview initially implemented designated smoking areas at Twin Hills Park in April 2024, but officials have received requests from the public and council members to revisit the policy.

Councilman Ryan Bullard expressed concern about protecting the city’s investment in park facilities, particularly the synthetic turf at newer installations like Wilson Street Park.

  • “We’re investing so much money into our city parks at this point. If we’re dropping cigarette butts and then stepping on it to put it out, it’s going to start damaging that,” Bullard said.

Councilman Brandon Frost, who said he frequently visits parks with his child, emphasized the need to prioritize children’s environments.

“When I think about parks, I think about where our kids come to enjoy the outdoors,” Frost said. “I coach sports at the middle school and there’s a reason they don’t allow smoking on school grounds.”

Although Councilman Shannon Hayes initially suggested a park-by-park approach with potential designated smoking areas at larger facilities, he ultimately joined the consensus for a complete ban.

Bolduc noted the ban would not apply to the city golf course, which operates as a public-private partnership with its own regulations. He added that smoking prohibitions could provide “one more tool” for law enforcement to address vagrancy issues near parks.

Staff will now draft an ordinance reflecting the council’s direction for formal consideration at a future meeting.

One Response

  1. Interesting and fully support initiative. Would like to know more about how enforcement will occur. Signs aren’t enough as people are overly entitled, rude and indifferent, in addition city communications wouldn’t reach non-residents etc. Would city law enforcement support with proper fines for code enforcement violations?

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