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Destin City Council approves proposed expenditure plan for allocated TDC funds. Here are the projects

In October 2021, Okaloosa County residents voted to pass the countywide bed-tax expansion via mail-in ballot. As part of the expansion, 12.5% of the annual Tourist Development Tax collections are set aside for Okaloosa municipalities. You’ll remember, the City of Destin gets 48.5% of the 12.5% pot of money. Now, the Tourist Development Council have asked the municipalities […]

Residential homes near Crystal Beach in Destin, Florida

In October 2021, Okaloosa County residents voted to pass the countywide bed-tax expansion via mail-in ballot.

  • As part of the expansion, 12.5% of the annual Tourist Development Tax collections are set aside for Okaloosa municipalities.

Now, the Tourist Development Council have asked the municipalities to request their allocation of the 12.5% through the submission of Expenditure Plans.

  • The Expenditure Plans are due to the TDC by March 15, 2022.

For the City of Destin, funding allocations available to request at this time are $1,104,920 for FY22 and $1,515,625 for FY23.

To qualify for the funding, each project must show a direct correlation to increased and/or improved tourism and tourist experience to comply with state statute.

On Monday night, the council approved the following project requests:

  • Harbor Boardwalk – Repair and Replacement of the Harbor Boardwalk for remaining unimproved areas.
  • Captain Royal Melvin Park and Plaza Project – Funding for the completion.
  • Shore at Crystal Beach – Acquisition of the remaining property at Shore at Crystal Beach Park.

Harbor Boardwalk – $500,000 request

A portion of the Harbor Boardwalk decking boards have already been replaced with WEAR deck boards, along with other structural improvements.

  • The City of Destin would like to replace the remaining portion of the Harbor Boardwalk deck boards and make any needed structural repairs necessary.

“The older boardwalk sections are worn, damaged, and pose a dangerous hazard to the public,” according to the city’s application. “Due to the fact the worn and damaged boards may present risk management issues, repairs are necessary to meet requirements, where health and public safety or the conservation of public resources needs to be preserved.”

Captain Royal Melvin Park – $200,000 request

As reported yesterday, completion of the Captain Royal Melvin Heritage Park is scheduled for end of April. And while the project has been active lately, the city has faced some unexpected change orders with additional associated costs.

  • Additionally, the city has finishing work to complete outside of the contract with GLC, the contractor.

This finishing work will include irrigation and landscaping along with some additional amenities.

Shore at Crystal Beach

An Interlocal Agreement exist between the County and the City of Destin for the acquisition, development, maintenance, and other matters related to Phase 1 of the public beach acquisition project.

  • As part of the expansion of Shore at Crystal Beach, the City of Destin & Okaloosa County both ponied up money to purchase three properties adjacent to the existing public beach access in order to provide 251 feet of linear beach.
  • Two of the properties have been acquired.

Destin intends to use $404,920 of the FY22 12.5% TDC allocation and $1,515,625 of the FY23 12.5% TDC allocation to advance this initiative, according to the city.

  • The Phase 1 project still requires the acquisition of one additional property and the development of the site.

The City of Destin is also submitting an additional Funding Request for continued Waterfront and Beach Operations.

Once the applications have been reviewed, the TDC plans to bring the recommended projects to the Okalooosa Board of County Commissioners in May and June 2022 for approval.

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Community Comments

“I know right! I would hate it if the world kept growing! Maybe if you’re a home owner you could sell your house that has doubled in value over the...”
“Too bad he screwed over the company. Left new buyers in millions of dollars in debt.”
“It would be nice to incorporate our transit system currently in place for visits to utilize; with published pick up spots, and a QR code to scan for the current...”
“It is generally not legal to offer free services to permanent residents of Florida while excluding part-time residents who pay the same property taxes. This practice could be considered discriminatory...”
“This community native and Destin resident says too many outsiders are culpable in the problems and proposed solutions plaguing residents quality of life issues. Good bye West Destin community character...”
“I worked at Hospitality Inn in 1973-1975 when it was the only "high rise" in Destin. Learned a lot about people working as the desk clerk. Most were visiting to...”
“My prayers (and whining) have been answered! So many Texans live here and need real Tex-Mex! Can’t wait!”
“This is giving me kneeling for flag vibes. So instead of a moment of silence-which ironically, speaks volumes!, you want them to hustle. I miss old usa. Working hard usa,...”
“Are passes given on the spot or mails to residents?”
“Maybe now we can get CLEAN BATHROOMS!!! THAT needs to be a PRIORITY!!!”


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