One day after the City of Destin sent the Destin Commons a cease and desist letter for the “unauthorized Municipal Tax collection”, the Destin Commons has issued an official statement.
In an email sent to Get The Coast, Robert Perry, General Manager at Destin Commons, wrote,
“Destin Commons has created an association to provide and promote a diverse array of arts and entertainment events at our center, which are enjoyed year-round by residents and visitors. Destin Commons has always funded these events and activities and now to fund the A&E Program, which is similar to ones at other area retail destinations, our tenants have the option to collect a voluntary fee on purchases under $600. Informational signage is placed at the register of all participating tenants.
Recently, a sign placed at a single retailer incorrectly specified the fee as a Destin municipal tax. There was no tax enacted or collected and the inaccurate sign was removed immediately.”
Backstory: The Northwest Florida Daily News reported that a store within the Destin Commons was collecting a 2% Arts & Entertainment Fee under the guise of “Destin Municipal Tax”.