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Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center awarded $25,000 grant for new sea turtle medical equipment

The Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center on Okaloosa Island has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Florida Sea Turtle Grants Program to purchase new medical equipment to aid in sea turtle rehabilitation. The new video endoscope and Telepak camera unit will allow staff to conduct minimally invasive procedures on loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley and green sea turtles […]

Photo credit: Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park

The Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center on Okaloosa Island has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Florida Sea Turtle Grants Program to purchase new medical equipment to aid in sea turtle rehabilitation.

  • The C.A.R.E Center received the grant to help purchase a flexible gastroscope and all-in-one camera/monitor system for use with fishing hook removals and upper gastrointestinal examinations for subadult to adult Loggerheads, Kemp’s ridleys, and Green sea turtles admitted to the C.A.R.E. Center.

The new video endoscope and Telepak camera unit will allow staff to conduct minimally invasive procedures on loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley and green sea turtles admitted to the center, rather than resorting to surgery.

  • This will enable safer fishing hook removal, especially from deeper areas, and more thorough exams to identify sources of internal trauma.
Photo credit: Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park

The C.A.R.E. Center says the equipment will help reduce the number of turtles released back into the wild with retained hooks to near zero.

“These grants are hugely beneficial for the functioning of our facility and help increase the quality of care we can provide to our sea turtle patients,” said Tabitha Siegfried, stranding coordinator at the C.A.R.E. Center.

Photo credit: Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park

The Sea Turtle Grants Program awarded the grant through a statewide competitive process open to coastal governments, schools and nonprofits working to protect Florida’s sea turtles. The program is funded primarily by sales of the Florida Sea Turtle Specialty License Plate, which has provided over $2.7 million in conservation grants since 2001.

The Gulfarium CARE Foundation operates the rehabilitation facility with a mission to rescue sick and injured marine wildlife and promote coastal conservation. Donations to support the C.A.R.E. Center can be made online and are tax-deductible.

Photo credit: Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park
Photo credit: Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park

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“I think they need to put up some kind of signs also for out tourist.”
“Response from Robert. Deanna? From Raleigh? Nice perspective! Thank you! I'm in the area where it will become the world's largest artificial reef. It will also benefit marine life, I...”
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“! I love everything about this. A hardworking and deserving family being blessed by another local hardworking family. THIS is what life is about people!! STOP THE HATE”
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