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“HECK, I DON’T KNOW LADY” says Walton County Commissioner regarding sunbathing

“HECK, I DON’T KNOW LADY”: Walton County Commissioner Bill Chapman responds to a caller’s question regarding sunbathing restrictions on Walton County beaches. At Tuesday’s meeting, there were restrictions placed on […]

“HECK, I DON’T KNOW LADY”: Walton County Commissioner Bill Chapman responds to a caller’s question regarding sunbathing restrictions on Walton County beaches.

At Tuesday’s meeting, there were restrictions placed on activities, which are limited to walking, jogging, fishing, swimming, paddleboarding, surfing and boating.

Sunbathing is also not allowed.

Commissioner Bill Chapman defined it as using “a blanket on the beach”, although chairs, umbrellas and tents will be allowed on the beaches.

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Community Comments

“Where are the fireworks?? It’s 930 and still nothing. Drunk idiots on the beach shooting off their own. Someone is going to get hurt.”
“There doesn't seem to be an off ramp or access for east bound traffic to get to Santa Rosa blvd. I guess now there's going to be a ton of...”
“Pretty sure this dumb idea will only create more confusion and traffic congestion! If I were to get to that intersection and needed to turn right then no sign would...”
“In the top picture, you can see Alvin's Island the Marina in the top right corner. Those two buildings are just to the east of the bridge. This picture is...”
“These pix make Zero sense to me. What direction is north? Where's the bridge?”
“I support Sheriff Aden. Coming from years of working with various law enforcement agencies, Professionalism, and a passion for their community is demonstrated daily. I have never seen the type...”
“Why not just force existing whereas they give you a ticket for littering of 250 bucks. This is as stupid as closing the Beaches for 6 weeks because of COVID-19,...”
“Not sure there is a large enough piece of property in the south end. Not to mention complaints from citizens. Also there is court in both north and south. Either...”
“I was thinking the same thing.”
“Are there anymore forums for candidates coming up?”