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Local high school seniors overwhelmingly favor a modified ceremony this summer

Since Friday, the Okaloosa County School District has received close to 1,500 responses from Seniors and Senior Parents on three proposed options for graduation this year. While the final determination of what the ceremony will actually look like is largey dependent upon state guidelines for gatherings, roughly 85% support the idea of a modified ceremony […]

Since Friday, the Okaloosa County School District has received close to 1,500 responses from Seniors and Senior Parents on three proposed options for graduation this year.

While the final determination of what the ceremony will actually look like is largey dependent upon state guidelines for gatherings, roughly 85% support the idea of a modified ceremony this Summer.

Here are the 3 options:

  • A modified ceremony this summer at which students are appropriately spaced on the field and limited, spaced seating is available for families. The event would also be live streamed for family and friends to see. (Parent-85%; Student-83%)
  • A ceremony in which each student is individually filmed walking across the stage with a limited number of family members present. This would be pre-recorded and broadcast at a designated time this summer. Student speeches, etc. would be pre-recorded as well. (Parent-9%; Student 7%)
  • An abbreviated virtual ceremony that includes only the reading of names and a photo of each graduate to be broadcast this summer and a time to honor graduates at some point in the fall/winter if restrictions on gatherings are relaxed. Student speeches, etc. would be pre-recorded as well. (Parent-6%; Student 10%)

“Our seniors have worked too hard over their educational years not to be properly recognized and honored,” said Superintendent of Schools Marcus Chambers. “The Class of 2020 was born in the days of 9/11 and they are graduating during this pandemic. This group of students exemplify grit, perseverance, strength and excellence. You will always be remembered.”

The survey is open through April 28th in Parent Portal.

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Community Comments

“It would be nice to know where it will be located. What about designs and will it have primitive camping or a combination of RV sites. What, no artist rendition?...”
“Can we get a more exact location of the park???”
“Great article about two wonderful people!”
“What’s with ALL the ridiculous road signs the entire length of Racetrack. Those sign are truly worthless. The ONLY sign that is REALLY needed is at the Winrock plaza. I...”
“The reason why red-light cameras do not decrease the red-light running rate is because the FDOT causes it through bad traffic signal timing. The enforcement tactic does not work because...”
“I’m so impressed by the tremendous work by my friend and colleague, Todd Allen and his wife, Shari, bringing high quality and affordable dance education to the northwest Florida community....”
“Lights being out of sync is why traffic is backed up. Mayor Whitehurst being Mayor for decades is the 2nd cause. He didn't like change so therefore we are cursed...”
“Aren't the muscovy ducks an invasive species??”
“Traffic problem is due to management dating back to Mayor Whitehurst who didn't like change. Lights are out of sync which causes traffic backup. No one in Management don't gjve...”


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