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Okaloosa Schools to resume classes Friday, Eglin Elementary closed

Okaloosa County School District confirms schools will be in session Friday, September 27, following Hurricane Helene. Absences and tardies for evacuees will be excused.
SOURCE: Superintendent Marcus Chambers

Most Okaloosa County schools will resume classes on Friday, September 27, after being spared the worst of Hurricane Helene. However, Eglin Elementary will be closed, officials announced Thursday evening.

  • The Okaloosa County School District initially made the decision to reopen all schools following a call with Patrick Maddox, the county’s Director of Public Safety. However, a subsequent update revealed that Eglin Elementary would remain closed.

“At the direction of Eglin Air Force Base leadership, Eglin Elementary will be closed tomorrow, Friday, September 27th, as the base will not open until 11:00 a.m.,” the district stated. This closure follows the base’s standard post-storm safety protocol.

For all other schools in the district, absences and tardies will be excused for families who may have evacuated or are commuting from areas affected by the hurricane. Students are advised to follow their school’s protocol for excused absences and tardies.

  • The district also noted that individual schools will communicate any changes to extracurricular and after-school activities if necessary.

While most Okaloosa County schools return to normal operations, the district expressed concern for other areas more severely impacted by Hurricane Helene. The district apologized for any inconvenience caused by the Eglin Elementary closure and thanked parents for their understanding and cooperation.

“We are thankful that Okaloosa County was spared the worst of Hurricane Helene and are keeping the counties who were affected in our thoughts,” the district stated in its weather update.

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“All the above is true, he should be prosecuted for at least manslaughter, if not second degree murder. Another, thing to look at is his medical degree, where did he...”
“Agreed but chances are he was “given the opportunity to leave” by the first hospital and records were sealed after they settled with the first patient and the hospital didn’t...”
“License should have been suspended after first incident! Sounds like the higher ups in facility still do not listen to concerns from staff. I would bet the facility higher ups...”
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“Sending condolences and prayers to his family.”
“Jeremy was well loved and will be missed. I will miss his smile, open arms with a hug. He also would say “ Hey unk, unk” Love him. He and...”
“He was the Son of my cousin Clay that passed away many years ago. He was a fine boy and will be missed. I am sad I did not get...”
“I can only imagine what the inside of the house looks like!”
“Kindest ,sweetest, loving, loyal, funny, adventurous, talented and very very much loved. The world needs more Jeremy Carmical’s. He’s been a true joy in our lives. Fly high with Dad...”