The Fort Walton Beach City Council will meet today at 6 p.m. to consider several ordinances that could reshape development standards and zoning regulations across the city.
- Among the key items on tonight’s agenda are three first-reading ordinances, including new protections for heritage trees and updated regulations for livery vessel rentals.
The council will also hold a second reading on an ordinance to establish standards for a new MX-3 zoning district, which would allow higher intensity development in the downtown area.
Here’s what residents can expect at tonight’s meeting:
First Reading Ordinances
Livery Vessel Rentals: Ordinance 2159 would amend Chapter 5 of the Land Development Code to update requirements for livery vessels. The changes include modifying the definition of livery vessels and implementing a formal permitting and application process.
Property Rezoning: In a quasi-judicial hearing, the council will consider Ordinance 2176 to rezone property at 120 Lowery Place SE (old School District Facility) from Community Facilities (CF) to Mixed-Use High (MX-2).
Heritage Tree Protection: Ordinance 2177 proposes amendments to Chapter 4 of the Land Development Code to define and establish protection requirements for heritage trees, creating new procedures to preserve the city’s oldest and most significant trees.
Second Reading
The council will hold a second reading of Ordinance 2149, which would amend multiple chapters of the Land Development Code to establish standards for a new MX-3 (Mixed-Use Downtown High Intensity) zoning district.
The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 107 Miracle Strip Parkway SW. For those unable to attend, the meeting will be recorded and made available at