In a report to the Crestview City Council on December 9, Police Chief Stephen McCosker revealed that 4,138 red light camera violations were issued between July 2023 and June 2024.
- The annual report, newly mandated by House Bill 1363 signed by Governor Ron DeSantis in May 2024, showed that of the total violations issued at two intersections along Highway 85, only four were contested, all of which were upheld.
The data revealed 394 cases resulted in uniform traffic citations when violators failed to respond or pay the initial $158 civil fine.
“Quite honestly, people are driving their cars like they stole them,” McCosker told the council, describing instances where drivers pass stopped vehicles and make illegal maneuvers through intersections.
The program generated $248,325 for the city, with additional funds distributed to various state accounts: $231,770 to the General Revenue Fund, $33,110 to Emergency Medical Services, and $9,933 to the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund.
- Despite the revenue, council members emphasized the program’s focus on safety rather than generating income. The city pays NovoaGlobal $17,380 monthly for equipment lease and maintenance, resulting in annual costs of $208,560 and net revenue of approximately $39,765.

Analysis of repeat offenders showed that while 89.2% of violations involved first-time offenders, 205 drivers received multiple citations, including two individuals with four violations each. One council member noted this represents about 11 violations per day across intersections that see more than 40,000 daily vehicle trips.
Council members expressed concern about the persistent violation rates. “We have to do something about lowering that number,” said Councilman Shannon Hayes, citing safety concerns at the monitored intersections. “My fear is that we’re going to have some really terrible accidents up there resulting in fatalities.”
McCosker indicated the department plans to expand its traffic enforcement unit to four officers and suggested resuming the practice of sharing egregious violation videos on social media to raise public awareness. The council also discussed the possibility of installing larger, more prominent signage before intersections to better alert drivers to camera enforcement.
To address growing traffic concerns, McCosker also revealed plans for the expanded traffic unit to focus on hit-and-run investigations, which he noted have reached concerning levels in the city. “I think that’s because people felt that for a while, that they can do it with impunity and we’re starting to change that reputation,” he said.
11 Responses
That stop light transition down town is pretty fast, if they made that a little bit quicker they could make even more money!
They can’t even fix that 3 second Stop Light by Chic fil A that letsc2 cars go.BS
Why make the light faster?Ridiculous
How about making the lights in sync.
No wonder so many get tickets.
Your stopped in the middle of the intersection.
Crestview is so hip on running red lights,but does nothing about the traffic situation.
The traffic blame goes to Crestview Management dating back to George Whitehurst who was Mayor for decades. He didn’t like change,Due to his hindsight 20/20 we are cursed with this traffic problem forevermore
They haven’t even resolved the 3 second light by Cic fil A that lets 2 cars proceed.
Traffic going at a snails pace creates you to be in the middle of the red light signal
That happened to me because the lights ahead were out of sync.
I ended up paying a fine because of stupidity of Crestview management which started when Mayor Whitehurst was Mayor for decades.
He didn’t like change so now we are forever cursed with this Crestview traffic
That’s all they think about in this Covered Wagon town
Mayor Whitehurst was mayor for decades and this is why we have this traffic problem.He didn’t like change and now we’re cursed with this traffic problem. Lights are also out of sync that makes the traffic worse.
Traffic problem is due to management dating back to Mayor Whitehurst who didn’t like change.
Lights are out of sync which causes traffic backup.
No one in Management don’t gjve a damn.
Money is their concern. REVENUE!!
We are cursed forevermore with this traffic.
Glad to hear Crestview is adding traffic enforcement personnel. Fort Walton needs to do the same – its the wild west down here too.
Another way to make money off the backs of the working class
Sounds like someone is in favor of breaking the law.
Lights being out of sync is why traffic is backed up.
Mayor Whitehurst being Mayor for decades is the 2nd cause.
He didn’t like change so therefore we are cursed with the problem.
Due to traffic backed up you’ll be caught in the red light intersection,so you’ll get a ticket.
Do you think Crestview PD cares?Hell no or the Mayor.
The reason why red-light cameras do not decrease the red-light running rate is because the FDOT causes it through bad traffic signal timing. The enforcement tactic does not work because drivers are not the problem. Recall from school the scientific method.
Despite all the rationalizations in this thread, it must not be too hard to not violate the law. It seems like 39989 people do it every day.