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Seven sea turtles released after rehabilitation at Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center

The Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center successfully released seven rehabilitated sea turtles back into the Gulf of Mexico on July 18, 2024. The release took place at Topsail Hill State Preserve, drawing hundreds […]

Source: Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center

The Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center successfully released seven rehabilitated sea turtles back into the Gulf of Mexico on July 18, 2024. The release took place at Topsail Hill State Preserve, drawing hundreds of spectators including locals, tourists, sea turtle advocates, and university students.

  • The released turtles included five Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles and two loggerheads, all of which had been treated for various injuries at the center. Most of the turtles had been accidentally hooked by fishermen at local piers.

Cressida and Rileyboth adult female Kemp’s Ridleys, had short stays at the center after being hooked in their flippers on July 13. Agatha, another adult female Kemp’s Ridley, and Athena, a subadult, were also treated for fishing hook injuries.

Pomorya subadult loggerhead, faced a more challenging recovery. Hooked in the jaw and intestines, Pomory required two months of care, including treatment for anemia.

Damona subadult loggerhead weighing 120 pounds, was hooked in the mouth by a shore fisherman at Topsail Hill State Park. After the hook was removed, Damon was cleared for release.

One turtle, Lime IIa subadult loggerhead, was making her second visit to the center. After being released last year, Lime returned for additional care following a July 3 hooking incident at Navarre Beach Fishing Pier.

The C.A.R.E. Center, part of the Gulfarium CARE Foundation, a non-profit organization, focuses on marine animal rescue and rehabilitation. The center reminds the public to report any sea turtles in distress to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at 1-888-404-FWCC.

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“Let me get this straight.....The ship has been sitting idle at a pier in Philadelphia for more than thirty years while one scheme after another failed to materialize. The ship...”
“I wrote a longer message which disappeared from the comment website but I hope this one will register. This is my second comment on this website. Please hold the Conservancy...”
“this 'hulk' represents our United States of America's superiority”
“You are right, Bill. Remember all those historic monuments that were torn down because they were viewed as offensive by a small minority of people. Those in power who could...”
“Love, love, love the new location! The vibe is open, cozy, and inviting. And the ice cream is amazing!”
“That last line is an unmitigated slur, and obviously, you have never sought out any of the scores of museums which feature recovered or restored ships and airplanes. All four...”
“I understand the deal with RXR has a real chance. It collapsed because the Governor of New York refused to issue the permits necessary to bring her to New York...”
“Andy was a local cocaine addict. Him and his friend Alan M. We’re always high and fishing.”
“there’s hardly ever been enough interest in the ship, historical significance & all, to make-worthwhile, efforts to keep her afloat - she’s gutted, on deadline & her use as a...”
“The ship is a rusted out metal hull. The time to save it is past. Ships deteriorated like this and had to be scrapped. Thirty years is long enough to...”