Okaloosa Chairman Carolyn Ketchel will be hosting a Town Hall meeting to discuss concepts for future improvements on Santa Rosa Boulevard.
- Members of the public are welcome to attend.
- Two or more members of the Board of County Commissioner may be in attendance.
In August of last year, Commissioner Ketchel held the first town hall on this where she discussed 4 proposed concepts for the improvements.

Concept A features include:
- 5ft meandering sidewalk on southside of roadway
- Minor utility adjustments
- Overall improved landscaping and crosswalks
- Improved micro-swales and ditch bottom inlets

Concept B features include:
- 12ft multi-use path
- Minor utility adjustments
- Overall improved landscaping and crosswalks
- Improved micro-swales and ditch bottom inlets

Concept C features include:
- Corridor Revitalization
- Conversion to a 2-lane divided roadway
- Roundabout opportunities
- 12ft multi-use path
- Pocket Parks with enhanced landscape features and seating
- Overall significant improvements
- Improved stormwater collection and conveyance including bioswales

Concept D features include:
- Corridor Revitalization
- Conversion of West-bound lane into a 2-way undivided roadway
- Roadside Parking
- 12ft multi-use path
- Pocket Parks with enhanced landscape features and seating
- Overall significant improvements
- Improved stormwater collection and conveyance including bioswales
The meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 31, 2021, beginning at 8:30 am., at the Okaloosa County Administration Building, located at 1250 N. Eglin Parkway, Shalimar, FL 32579.