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Video Allegedly Shows Someone Stealing From The Waterfront Donation Bin

A video was posted on Facebook Sunday evening that allegedly shows a couple in a red Chevy Silverado drive off from the Waterfront Mission in Fort Walton Beach with a grandfather clock that they decided to take from the donations bin outside. In the video, Amanda Davis describes what she witnessed and what is currently […]

A video was posted on Facebook Sunday evening that allegedly shows a couple in a red Chevy Silverado drive off from the Waterfront Mission in Fort Walton Beach with a grandfather clock that they decided to take from the donations bin outside.

In the video, Amanda Davis describes what she witnessed and what is currently taking place:

I’m dropping some stuff off at Waterfront, where I used to work, and you see this lovely red Silverado right here who just pulled right up, picked up a clock…a nice grandfather clock from there…and took it. This is the problem with the donations here. People rummage through them and then they steal things from there.

Davis went on to write a bit more in the video description:

Every time I drive past, there are people rummaging and/or taking things from the donation site at the Fort Walton Beach location. Being a former employee there, I can definitely say that Monday mornings are terrible for the employees there. They spend the majority of Monday morning cleaning up garbage, torn up bags and boxes, wet clothing if it rained over the weekend, and whatever else has been dumped all over by the people who decide they need to steal things from the donation site.

To the couple in the video, You really can’t wait until Monday and offer a donation to purchase the clock you just took home with you?

Waterfront, I think you may need a different plan for donation drop offs when you’re closed. Unfortunately not everyone can drop things off during your donation hours.

Get The Coast has placed a call to the Waterfront Mission and we know that they are aware of the situation. When we know more about this story, we will update accordingly.

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“Where are we supposed get our fresh grocery items. Fresh Baked goods. Fresh seafood. Fresh produce. I visited the one in Crestview FL. I say visited not shopped because they...”
“I just don't know enough about each of the candidates' own core values: just because a candidate is endorsed by another politician and past public servants does not sway my...”
“I think that is a very wise decision to make. Safety first always”
“Like it or not but Fort Walton Beach is dying, it's becoming just like Navarre but with some big box stores and no growth. All the shopping is in Walton...”
“There's many examples of cities doing this and being later forced to later take them out. Essentially you have a constitutional right to face your accuser. Automated citations mean no...”
“Kell- Aire Dr. Could definitely use some new lines on the street. TY”
“11 mph is 50 percent of the typical school limit of 20 mph. Seems lax with most drivers cruising through school zones at 30 mph.”
“I hope P Johnson gets to visit here so I can tell him to his face to keep his mouth shut about my town”


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